Aluminium Towers
Ladders & Podiums

Modular Design Stair Tower
Escalib is one of the fastest and simplest stair towers on the market. For applications where there are space constraints, such as city centres, lift shafts, and roads between carriageways, Escalib is the only quick and cost-effective stair tower solution. With just 3 main components Escalib offers flexibility and mobility for the user and can be installed quickly and simply in many applications.
Escalib can reach heights up to 20m without the need to do additional calculations and thanks to its modularity can rotate 90 degrees to line up the tower exit appropriately.
To speak to a member of our Site Products team please contact either
Belfast: +44 (0) 28 90454599,
Ashbourne: +353 (01) 802 7173
or fill in the short form below to submit your enquiry via email.
Ridgeway Combisafe Escalib Brochure
Ridgeway Combisafe Escalib User Instructions