Aluminium Towers
Ladders & Podiums

The CantiDeck is a temporary loading platform which extends from a building structure to allow materials and equipment to be loaded in and out of the building.
The CantiDeck Fixed Flush platform is ideal for situations where reduced head room places height as a premium, and where maximum clearance is essential.
To speak to a member of our Site Products team please contact either
Belfast: +44 (0) 28 90454599,
Ashbourne: +353 (01) 802 7173
or fill in the short form below to submit your enquiry via email.
The CantiDeck Fixed Flush platform props into a structure by way of a sample propping system between floors. The deck of the platform is fixed to the base of the load bearing beams giving a true level, or ‘flush’ transition from the floor of the structure to the loading area.
The CantiDeck Fixed Flush design has become widely known as the fastest loading bay to relocate and install. Combined with a large working load limit capacity and multiple configurations, this is an excellent choice for most projects.
Efficient – The CantiDeck system is the fastest loading bay for relocation and installation, with a high working load limit capacity to enable loading of a wide variety of materials, equipment and pre-fabricated sections, increasing the efficiency of vertical movements.
Safe – Safe access for working at height, the CantiDeck offers a safe method of loading materials. Onsite training enables site operatives to relocate the platforms safely when required.
Cost Savings – Overall project times can be reduced with this system.
Ridgeway CantiDeck Brochure
CantiDeck Configurations